RSV/Shingles Study – Synexus

Help Protect Yourself and Others from RSV and Shingles!

Get Ahead of RSV and Shingles – Participate today. We’re looking for healthy volunteers aged 60 & up. 4 outpatient visits and 1 phone call. Compensation up to $487 may be available.

Participant Qualifications

  • Healthy Adults  
  • Never been vaccinated against RSV 
  • Never received a recombinant adjuvant Shingles vaccine (Shingrix) 
  • Age Ranges: 60 years and older
  • Health status is further evaluated by reviewing medical history, screening assessments, and visit with physician 
  • Willing and able to comply with scheduled visits, laboratory tests, lifestyle considerations, and other study procedures, including daily completion of the e-diary for 7 days after each study vaccination 
  • Available and willing to commit to study visit structure – You will be asked to participate in 4 outpatient visits at our clinic and 1 post-study phone call. 


  •  The purpose of this study is to assess the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of an RSV vaccine when co-administered with herpes zoster (Shingles) vaccine. 
  • Healthy volunteers without current episode of Shingles  
  • Healthy volunteers who have never received an RSV or Shingrix vaccine  
  • This is a research study and your participation is voluntary. You may stop participating at any time. 


Compensation varies by study and may go up to $487.

Get Started Now!

If you are interested in learning more, please complete the contact form and we will follow up with more information.

Contact Us Now

If you are interested in participating, please complete the contact form. We will follow up with more information and schedule a screening visit to see if you qualify.

What to Expect from a Trial

Our representative will speak with you about your medical history. If you meet the criteria for a clinical trial, we will ask you to come to the clinic for a screening visit and consultation. During the screening visit, you will consult with a medical staff member about the details of the trial and discuss any known side effects associated with it. We will answer your questions about participating in the trial, and you will be asked to sign an informed consent form.

Synexus Clinic

To learn more about this study and to see if you qualify, fill out the form on this page.