General Interest – Optimal

Interested in participating in clinical research?

Your involvement in clinical trials is crucial for developing new treatments. Volunteer today and make a lasting impact. Fill out the form and we’ll contact you about our available studies.

Participant Qualifications

General qualifications for volunteer studies:

  • Health status is further evaluated by reviewing medical history, screening assessments, and visit with study physician


General information about research studies:

  • Participating in a research study can accelerate effective treatment options for people who suffer from a wide range of medical conditions.
  • Research studies are voluntary, and you may stop participating at any time.


Compensation for study-related time and travel may be available to those who qualify and participate. Compensation varies by study.

Get Started Now!

Fill out the form and we will contact you about our studies.

Contact Us Now

If you are interested in participating, please complete the contact form. We will follow up with more information.

What to Expect from a Trial

Our representative will speak with you about your medical history. If you meet the criteria for a clinical trial, we will ask you to come to the clinic for a screening visit and consultation. During the screening visit, you will consult with a medical staff member about the details of the trial and discuss any known side effects associated with it. We will answer your questions about participating in the trial, and you will be asked to sign an informed consent form.

Optimal Research