Heart Health Screening at Synexus
Know your Heart Health
Synexus is offering no cost health screenings that include labs and assessments evaluating heart health and overall health. Some of the labs offered are often not included in a typical visit to your doctor. Take advantage of this no cost testing opportunity to gain valuable insights into your heart health and take proactive measures to protect yourself from cardiovascular disease.

Participant Qualifications
Learn about Lp(a) and your heart health at no cost!
Lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a), is a type of lipoprotein found in your blood. Lipoproteins are particles that carry cholesterol and other fats through your bloodstream. Increased levels of Lp(a) pose an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Unlike other types of cholesterol, the level of Lp(a) in your blood is strongly genetically determined. This means that if high Lp(a) runs in your family, you are more likely to have elevated levels. Traditional lifestyle factors like diet and exercise do NOT have significant impact on Lp(a) levels compared to other forms of cholesterol.
Take advantage of this no cost testing opportunity to gain valuable insights into your heart health and take proactive measures to protect yourself from cardiovascular disease.
Join us for a no cost cholesterol screening. You may receive up to $50 for your time and travel.
Get Started Now!
Contact Us Now
If you are interested in participating, please complete the contact form. We will follow up with more information and schedule a screening visit to see if you qualify.
What to Expect from a Trial
Our representative will speak with you about your medical history. If you meet the criteria for a clinical trial, we will ask you to come to the clinic for a screening visit and consultation. During the screening visit, you will consult with a medical staff member about the details of the trial and discuss any known side effects associated with it. We will answer your questions about participating in the trial, and you will be asked to sign an informed consent form.